Walls of Racism
N/A, 12:00 AM

Problems will never be solved in this world until the walls of “RACISM” are destroyed. The Constitution gives many people the “traditional right” to plead the fifth, when it comes to equal justice, fair and honest treatment of race, class, and gender of many people. Many people continue to promote the lifestyle of racism just because they can use laws that provides freedom and justice for the “haves” and holocaust for the “have not’s”.  Many cultures faced racism, from the beginning of time because Adam and Eve (fore-parents) chose to eat of the forbidden fruit.  The tree of knowledge, good and evil “Wiser and wicked”, always seems to override “wise and good”, common sense. Knowledge is always increasing, but the evil ways of knowledge dictate the greater good. We choose leaders from the lesser of “two evils”, rather than the better of “two goods”! There were only “fruits, nuts, and vegetables in the Garden of Eden.  Knowledge, technology, and education are producing people with the characteristics of fruits, nuts, and vegetables (evil double-minded and unstable). Racism is a teaching and taught action or doctrine (excuse) without any evidence or justifiable support for difference in color of skin, race, intelligence, education, or gender. Racism works and continues its growth process through organized, unionized groups to separate, divide, and control with the power of money, politics, laws, rules, all unjust constitutional governments, churches, and schools (education), to enslave people. Racism “will be” reversed when the wealth of the wicked will be transferred from God to the “Just” and “Righteous” (Real and True Christians). The politics of Governments and Corporations only, destroys every fabric of democracy. Racism is a great power source (culture-shock), it was not created by God (goodness), but was invented by Satan (evil) and continues to divide people against people!

J.R. Ricks, Jr.



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